Genetic mapping of hair loss through the APCDD1 gene pathway: A new perspective
Büşra Candan Balkan, Alper Demirezen
, Oytun Erbaş
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Keywords: APCDD1, follicle, genetic, hair, pathway, treatment.
Hair is an important physiological component of the human body that serves several purposes. Hair follicles on the scalp are root structures that promote hair growth. Keratin is a protein that is produced in the follicles and makes up the structure of hair. Hair serves multiple roles, including regulating body temperature and protecting against environmental elements. Hair loss or poor hair health is frequently associated with all body health and can be caused by a variety of circumstances, therefore hair health can be viewed as a mirror of overall health. Adenomatous polyposis coli down-regulated 1 (APCDD1) has been implicated in the regulation of hair follicle development and cycling. The research's newfound insights give a fresh viewpoint on the genetic causes of hair loss as well as possible areas for therapeutic intervention. Gaining insight into the molecular processes that cause hair loss could result in the creation of innovative treatment plans that enhance the lives of those who are impacted by the condition by maintaining or regaining hair follicle function. This review highlights the significance of APCDD1 and related pathways in hair follicle biology and is a major step forward in our understanding of the genetic drivers of hair loss. The information provided here paves the way for more research into the intricacies of hair loss and the creation of individualized strategies for both prevention and therapy. This review also contributes to a better understanding of the causes of hair loss and the implementation of new treatment options in this sector, since it provides a new perspective on the genetic mapping of hair loss via the APCDD1 gene pathway.
Cite this article as: Candan Balkan B, Demirezen A, Erbaş E. Genetic mapping of hair loss through the APCDD1 gene pathway: A new perspective. D J Med Sci 2024;10(1):42-54. doi: 10.5606/fng.btd.2024.146.
All authors contributed equally to the article.
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