Ayşe Safiye Genç1, Oytun Erbaş2

1Institute of Experimental Medicine, Kocaeli, Türkiye
2Department of Physiology, Demiroğlu Science University, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Türkiye

Keywords: Anti-neuronal antibodies, encephalitis, psychiatric disorder treatments, schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia is the most complex and overwhelming mental disorder. Agreement on what symptoms are considered for schizophrenia has major importance for clinicians and researchers that work on this disorder since it vanquishes many obstacles. However, many complications remain and preclude having a better understanding of schizophrenia. First, the cause of schizophrenia is unclear. Second, the translation of the molecular alterations to behavioral phenotypes is unknown, and lastly, the origin of the neuroanatomical changes remains unsolved. Anti-neuronal antibodies are found in autoimmune encephalitis and paraneoplastic disorders affecting the nervous system but also antineuronal antibodies have links with other several neurologic disorders, even psychiatric disorders. The importance of anti-neuronal antibodies in patients with psychiatric disorders is unclear, and studies are still progressing on this matter. The purpose of this review was to investigate the link between schizophrenia and anti-neuronal antibodies.

Cite this article as: Genç AS, Erbaş O. Anti-neuronal antibodies in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. D J Med Sci 2022;8(1):35-40.
Data Sharing Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed equally to the article.

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The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/ or publication of this article.

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