“Dyslexia”, the specific learning difficulty
Uygar Salman, Serdal Özdemir, Arzu Berna Salman, Fatma Özdemir
İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Çocuk Psikiyatrisi Anabilim Dalı, Malatya, Türkiye
Keywords: Dyslexia; learning diffıculties; specific learning diffıculties.
The number of children suffering from Specific Learning Difficulties is quite high in Turkey. Since Specific Learning Difficulties are not well known by parents and educators, children of this feature face many difficulties within the family, environment and at school. Special educator Kirk used the term “learning disability” for the first time in 1963. There is a significant dysfunction in the specific academic field of learning disorders. Non-uniform distribution of cognitive impairment draws attention in children with this diagnosis. Although low socioeconomic status, anxiety, depression or obsessive problems affect academic-cognitive ability negatively; nowadays neurobiological causes are considered to be more effective. Without harming the individual, s/he should be taken to a specialist as soon as the Specific Learning Difficulties are noticed. Specific Learning Difficulties require special expertise. Help should not be expected from the teachers. Necessary medical and psychological measurements should be made, psychoeducation and psychological support should be provided.