Glioblastoma multiforme: Subtypes based on IDH, ATRX, H3F3A, MGMT and p53 mutations
Fatime Akgeyik, Alper Demirezen
, Oytun Erbaş
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Keywords: Glioblastoma multiforme, modifications, mutations, pathways.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive form of primary brain cancer, characterized by rapid progression and poor prognosis. Recent advancements in molecular profiling have revealed significant heterogeneity within GBM, prompting the classification of distinct subtypes based on key genetic mutations. A fundamental aspect of GBM categorization that affects prognosis and treatment response is the identification of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant and IDH-wildtype subgroups. While changes in MGMT and p53 emphasize the significance of deoxyribonucleic acid repair mechanisms and tumor suppressor pathways, mutations in ATRX and H3F3A highlight the relevance of chromatin remodeling and histone modifications in gliomagenesis. This review provides an overview of the molecular landscape of GBM subtypes defined by mutations in IDH, ATRX, H3F3A, MGMT, and p53.
Cite this article as: Akgeyik F, Demirezen A, Erbaş O. Glioblastoma multiforme: Subtypes based on IDH, ATRX, H3F3A, MGMT and p53 mutations. D J Med Sci 2024;10(1):34-41. doi: 10.5606/fng.btd.2024.144.
Idea/concept, literature review, writing the article, references and fundings: F.A., A.D.; Design, data collection and/or processing, analysis and/or interpretation: A.D.; Control/supervision, critical review: O.E.
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