Antiapoptotic and insulin-releasing effects of zinc supplementation in type-1 diabetes through ATP sensitive potassium channels

Celal Güven, Şahin Yeşildağ, Özge Özdemir, Talar Cilacı

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.016

Issue: 2017, Volume 3 - Issue 2-3
0 2151

The relationship between vitamin D level and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Özge Öner, Ömer Burçak Binicier, Hamiyet Yılmaz Yaşar, Harun Akar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.015

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 2
0 1339

Examination of healthy lifestyle behaviors of students of Vocational School of Health

Aliye Bulut, Aziz Bulut, Rüveyda Esra Erçim

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.020

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 2
0 845

Assessment of diabetic foot infections treated in palliative care unit of our hospital

Tuba Demirci Yıldırım, Utku Erdem Soyaltın, Mustafa Yıldırım, Mert Kumbaracı, Şükran Köse, Harun Akar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.003

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 1
0 1050

Relationship between treatment modalities, glycemic control, and diabetes complications with risk of depression and anxiety in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Serkan Günalay, Emin Taşkıran, Bilgin Demir, Semiha Erdem, Haluk Mergen, Harun Akar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.004

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 1
0 1313

The relationship between nephropathy, retinopathy, obesity and arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Bilgin Demir, Sibel Demiral Sezer, Ömercan Topaloğlu, Emin Taşkıran, Burcu Işık, Utku Erdem Soyaltın, Harun Akar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2015.012

Issue: 2015, Volume 1 - Issue 2
0 1117

Effect of levetiracetam on hepatic fibrosis in diabetic rats

Yiğit Uyanıkgil, Tülay Akman, İbrahim Çavuşoğlu, Erkan Kısmalı, Dilek Taşkıran, Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2015.016

Issue: 2015, Volume 1 - Issue 2
0 994

Mean platelet volume in gestational diabetes mellitus

Nilgün Güdücü, Güliz Sidar, Uzay Görmüş, Herman İşçi, Alin Başgül Yiğiter, İlkkan Dünder

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2015.002

Issue: 2015, Volume 1 - Issue 1
0 1196

Experimental diabetes model

Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2015.008

Issue: 2015, Volume 1 - Issue 1
0 3565

Is Alzheimerʹs disease, type 3 diabetes?

Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2015.010

Issue: 2015, Volume 1 - Issue 1
0 3509

A case of diabetic ketoacidosis associated with synthetic cannabinoid use

Semahat Gürlek, Harun Akar, Hamiyet Yılmaz Yaşar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.022

Issue: 2017, Volume 3 - Issue 4
0 1110

The relationship between postprandial C peptide-glucose ratio, beta-cell function and treatment success in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Abdülkadir Kocanoğlu, Alihan Oral, Miraç Vural Keskinler, Mustafa Sadeçolak, Aytekin Oğuz

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2021.25060

Issue: 2021, Volume 7 - Issue 2
1408 1328

Fatal rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis

Serpil Oğuz Mızrakçı

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2021.25073

Issue: 2021, Volume 7 - Issue 3
749 826