2017, Volume 3 - Issue 4
Original Article
Hyponatremia prevalence, etiology, symptoms and length of hospitalization in internal medicine clinic
Merve Zeytinli Akşit, Bahar Engin, Banu İşbilen Başok, Harun Akar
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.020
0 1461
Effects of acute cold stress on visual spatial attention
Ecem Merve Onaran, Numan Ermutlu
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.021
0 1026
Case Report
A case of diabetic ketoacidosis associated with synthetic cannabinoid use
Semahat Gürlek, Harun Akar, Hamiyet Yılmaz Yaşar
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.022
0 1092
Tubercular mycotic aortic aneurysm presenting with fever of unknown origin
Ayşegül Beste Öztepe, Andaç Komaç, Rıfat Somay, Şükran Köse, Harun Akar
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.023
0 1128
A rare cause of ileus: Ogilvie syndrome
Ahmet Türkan, Elife Türkan, Murat Özgür Kılıç, Gökhan Akkurt, Gürkan Değirmencioğlu
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.024
0 1878
The treatment process of a patient with postpartum depression who conceived with in vitro fertilization technique: A case report
Mehmet Hamdi Örüm, Aysun Kalenderoğlu
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.025
0 1205
The relationship between glutamatergic and serotonergic receptors of neuroapoptotic cell death pathways in fetal alcohol syndrome
Ceyhan Hacıoğlu, Güngör Kanbak
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.026
0 1432
Alternative electric tumor treatment areas in glioblastoma multiforme treatment: Rationale, preclinical and clinical studies
Ayşe Uyanık, Yusuf Bahap, Alpcan Ateş, Elif Özge Doğan, Oytun Erbaş
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.027
0 2759
Effect of lactate dehydrogenase activity on hair follicle stem cell
Çağrıhan Ceyhan, Suzan Düzkar, Oğuzhan Kandemir, Mesut Özgün Özdal, Oytun Erbaş
DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.028
0 1373