Different techniques and materials in ptosis surgery

Ayşe Dolar Bilge, Cem Mesçi, Hasan H. Erbil

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2019.001

Issue: 2019, Volume 5 - Issue 1
6982 3089

Effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on morbidity and mortality after mitral valve surgery

Ayten Saraçoğlu, Yasemen Durak Erdinç, Kemal Tolga Saraçoğlu, İbrahim Haluk Kafalı

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.017

Issue: 2017, Volume 3 - Issue 2-3
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Delayed reconstruction of mangled lower extremities: soft tissue management

Yiğit Özer Tiftikcioğlu, Burak Sercan Erçin, Mehmet Erdem, Ahmet Biçer, Nadir Özkayın, Cüneyt Özek

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2017.005

Issue: 2017, Volume 3 - Issue 1
0 1116

Prevalence of agger nasi cell in the Turkish population; an anatomical study with computed tomography

Yakup Yegin

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.017

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 2
0 3381

Left atrial giant myxoma resection with video-assisted minimally invasive method

Kerem Oral, Mehmet Ezelsoy, Süleyman Yazıcı, Oğuz Konukoğlu, Belhhan Akpınar

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2016.025

Issue: 2016, Volume 2 - Issue 2
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Results of conjunctiva-Müller muscle resection and external levator resection techniques for ptosis repair

İlke Bahçeci Şimşek

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2019.011

Issue: 2019, Volume 5 - Issue 2
2852 1893

Brain metastases: Radiobiological, molecular and biochemical approach

Meryem Cansu Şahin, Fatih Kar, Meliha Koldemir Gündüz

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2021.25065

Issue: 2021, Volume 7 - Issue 2
1161 1038

Qualitative analysis of theses on laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Cemalettin Durgun

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2021.27

Issue: 2021, Volume 7 - Issue 3
890 850

Current status of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery globally and in Türkiye: A bibliometrics analysis study

Serpil Şahin

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2022.95

Issue: 2022, Volume 8 - Issue 2
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Examination of theses on peripheral vascular surgery

Serpil Şahin

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2022.109

Issue: 2022, Volume 8 - Issue 3
1090 735

Comparative analysis of the 7th and 8th TNM staging with long-term outcomes in non-small cell lung cancer

Halit Yardımcı, Recep Ustaalioğlu, Bülent Aydemir, Mehmet Yıldırım, Tamer Okay

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2024.140

Issue: 2024, Volume 10 - Issue 1
541 425

Reduced radiation exposure during O-arm navigation in degenerative lumbar spine surgery

Ramazan Sari, Özdil Başkan, Eylem Burcu Kahraman Ozlu, İlhan Elmacı

DOI: 10.5606/fng.btd.2024.151

Issue: 2024, Volume 10 - Issue 2
448 319